WhatsApp has rolled out innovative features and updates, bringing advanced creative options and enhanced user engagement tools for private chats. The instant messaging giant now offers 30 customizable visual effects, enabling users to edit photos and videos directly within chats for a more personalized experience.
The app has also made significant strides in the sticker domain. Users can now create stickers directly from their selfies. By tapping the sticker icon, selecting “Create Sticker,” and using the camera option, users can instantly turn a selfie into a sticker. However, this feature is currently exclusive to Android, with an iOS release expected soon.
WhatsApp has further streamlined sticker sharing by enabling users to directly share sticker packs in chats, enhancing interactivity. Additionally, a new shortcut allows users to react to messages quickly by double-tapping them, offering faster access to frequently used reactions.
WhatsApp officially announced these updates as part of its 2025 feature rollout, highlighting its focus on providing more creative tools for users. Among the new features, the app now includes 30 photo and video effects, such as filters that alter colors or change backgrounds, mirroring similar offerings by competitor Snapchat.
These updates mark a significant enhancement to WhatsApp’s interface, providing users with more engaging ways to communicate and customize their chats.
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