The devastating Los Angeles wildfires have wreaked havoc across the region, leaving destruction in their wake and forcing over 130,000 people to flee their homes. Priyanka Chopra, who owns a house in the city, shared her sorrow and solidarity with those affected, taking to Instagram to express her heartbreak.
Posting before-and-after pictures of Los Angeles, Priyanka wrote, “I ❤️ you LA. My heart is so heavy. While I’m deeply grateful for my family’s safety, so many of our friends, colleagues, and fellow Angelenos have lost so much. These fires have displaced countless families and devastated entire communities, leaving an overwhelming need for rebuilding and support.”
The wildfires have claimed at least 25 lives, consumed over 4,000 structures, and destroyed properties belonging to Hollywood A-listers like Paris Hilton, Mandy Moore, and Billy Crystal. Stars such as Ben Affleck and Tom Hanks were also forced to evacuate.
Priyanka praised firefighters, first responders, and volunteers, calling them “true heroes” for their bravery. She urged followers to contribute to relief efforts, sharing resources such as the California Fire Foundation, Baby2Baby, and the American Red Cross.